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The Upaya Method

“Upaya” is a Sanskrit word for “tool” or “skillful means.”  The Upaya Method utilizes psychedelics this way, rather than as medicines or drugs.  Tools require practice to be used effectively, and can be relinquished once the goal has been achieved.


Psychedelics restore child’s mind, a quality that naturally increases learning potential and creativity.  The brain is literally more “plastic,” apt to change, and this corresponds with the potential for deep transformation of self-concept and discovery of creative powers.


The main obstacle in attaining these benefits, as it is for children striving to learn, is negative mental and emotional states – anxiety, doubt, etc.  The Upaya Method relies on yogic practices to balance and harmonize the mind and body, so that the surge of energy provided by the psychedelic can be harnessed toward the person’s goals.


Mind, breath (energy) and body are interconnected. 


Wellbeing, creative flow, and productivity are interconnected. 


The Upaya Method aims to produce diverse, positive results by addressing these various interconnections – How is the breath connected with taking the Creative Leap?  How does the stability of the mind affect the work ethic?  Etc.

Science is helpful but must be supplemented with intuitive means.  Psychedelic science has come far and on occasion big revelations about neuroscience translate into practical healing solutions.  But in general, healing practices will be discovered more quickly and effectively by folks with non-scientific expertise, who have direct experience working with the body-mind. 


If you wanted to learn Dream Yoga, to use your dreams to heal trauma, would you seek guidance from a doctor?  A neuroscientist?  Or a dream yogi with years of experience?



Practices for everyday life.

While psychedelic work may produce peak mystical experiences, it is not always clear how to extract benefits for ordinary life.  A focus of the Upaya Method is creating simple, efficient practices that extend psychedelic benefits into every aspect of life.


Durable solutions.

The benefits of the Upaya Method will last a lifetime.  The method emphasizes personal engagement and the person has a key role in assembling, refining, and tweaking their practices.  So the person is learning how to teach themselves – how to heal, how to remove blockages, how to work with their own body-mind.  This type of learning is permanent – “like riding a bike”!


Creative empowerment.

Personal, creative engagement with practice and life – is empowering.  There is the wise saying that it is better to teach someone to fish than simply giving them a single fish meal.  The Upaya Method empowers people to engage creatively with their psychedelic work.  Thus success does not depend on a medicine or drug, but on skills the person has acquired in wielding the tool.


Everyone is a student and teacher.

Everyone has the capacity to learn and, at the deepest level, serves as their own teacher when true learning takes place.  While time, society and school have blunted this awareness in many, it’s crucial to realize – as we aim for transformative results – that we are constantly engaged with the learning process.


Every learner has unique powers.

And these powers are often the “flip side” of perceived weaknesses and hang-ups.  I have witnessed this over a 30 year teaching career, with students of a wide range of ages and levels of mastery.  Every single person has considerable strengths – unique perspectives, areas of intuition, original ideas – that may require addressing the body-energy-mind in order to access. Learning happens best when a person’s creative powers are engaged with the process.


Every psychedelic represents an energetic opportunity – a window of enhanced learning capacity.

Brain scans might be one way of understanding psychedelics, but the most intimate way is by sensing the complex, often subtle yet powerful shifts in energy as they manifest in the body.  These shifts entail changes in sense impressions and thoughts.  The person’s consciousness is different yet bright and clear.  Such overall newness of experience heightens focus and boosts memory; in every way, the person is set up to be an improved learner.


The process and practices of the Upaya Method will make sense.

Every practice a person develops will make sense in terms of healing, creative flow, and spiritual progress.  There may be elements that are mysterious and magical, if the person naturally arrives at these – but their usefulness for the person’s process will still make sense!  Nothing will be suggested on faith – There will always be an explanation that is (loosely) scientific and intuitive.


I appreciate YOU.

Two key aspects of my life prepare me to  see the potential and the power in everyone.  


I have taught thousands of students.  My primary goal is to nurture the creative and intellectual powers of every learner.  I have found through experience that these powers always exist, despite the ego's pitfalls.


I have practices many forms of yoga.  I believe, based on rigorous contemplation and direct experience, that consciousness is universal and that all sentient beings have immeasurable value.


1. Discussion

What are your goals?  We’ll consider your experiences – from far back through the present – along with your obstacles and “powers” (everyone has them, though they may be hidden).

2. Creation

We invent an individualized psychedelic regimen and set of practices.  These practices will support your whole being – body, energy, and mind – as you approach your goals.

3. Reflection

Reconnect with your Child’s Mind.  Rebuild your inner machinery – physical, energetic, mental – to boost your intelligence and tap your deep intuition.  Tackle the most daunting problems with joy.  

4. Evolution

Together, we tweak and adjust your practices.  We engage deeply and creatively with your process – How are you learning?  How has your understanding of yourself, your powers and goals evolved?

If we work together multiple times, we will cycle through this creative process.  We will learn how you learn, and this will accelerate your progress.  Through discussion, creation, and reflection, you will learn about yourself, which will in turn unlock your energies and creative abilities.


If we work together multiple times, then you will converge on a set of personal practices – ways of working with your body, energy, and mind toward wellbeing, creativity, and spiritual progress.  This is the fruit of the work, the ultimate goal of the Upaya Method.  You have these practices, built by your own creative engagement, for life – Any time you want to climb out of a mental rut.  Anytime you need to balance your energy so you can be there for the people in your life.  Any time you want to boost your creative flow, or allow more joy to reside in your heart.

Sample Application

B is a creative person who has been bogged down by depression for many years.  She has barely had energy for projects that are meaningful to her, and she feels like she fails every challenge (regardless of the objective results).  She has received a prescription for ketamine to deal with her depression and she hopes this will unlock energy and motivation so she can finally thrive.


1. Discussion

B recalls a dream from childhood that was important to her, and says that she once recalled vivid dreams every night, but then lost interest and stopped remembering.  She is excited by the possibility that dreaming is a power that can be harnessed toward her goals.


2. Creation

Considering B’s goals, circumstances and schedule, we determine a medicinal mushroom microdosing regimen.  She plans to perform a simple dream-yoga practice when she walks to work and at the park over the weekend.  This practice will be enjoyable!  And it will build her awareness and memory, in preparation for her once-a-month ketamine sessions.  In these sessions, she plans to utilize a Mudra of Joy and a pranayama (yogic breathing practice) to get the deepest, most lasting benefits from the session.


3. Reflection

B noted the dream-yoga/microdosing practice was a mixed bag.  She felt joy while doing it (and spontaneously practiced the Joy Mudra in the park!) and remembered to notice certain things, though when it came to social interactions, she completely forgot.  But the ketamine session was incredible!  She had never felt so much ease and acceptance, and during the come-down she was suddenly inspired to reunite with an estranged family member.


4. Evolution

The dream-yoga/microdosing practice had revealed to B that social interactions were the main factor in her anxiety.  She added a brief and calming breath practice for the mornings that she was excited about.  She decided to make healing relationships the focus of her next ketamine therapy session.  B modified the dream-yoga practice to reflect this intention, and continued to learn about her mental patterns and hidden powers.


Specific Substances


Ketamine is a dissociative psychedelic that is very effective for depression for many folks.  It simulates a near-death experience (link).  This means it can produce peak mystical experiences that lead to durable, positive transformation. The key to using ketamine optimally is remaining aware of the body, breath and mind during the experience.  Ketamine-State Yoga uses pranayama and other methods during the come-up phase of the trip, to build and focus energy.  These methods may induce a mystical experience that is ineffable, numinous, and brings uncanny balance to the chakras.  This incredible state of balance allows effective healing work, no matter the form of therapy, during the come-down phase when the ego has reemerged.



Cannabis is a widespread and low-toxicity plant medicine that both “opens the heart” (improves flow of emotions) and restores a childlike, playful energy.  Proper attention to set and setting, along with yogic methods (particularly breathing), help to unlock this potential and transform difficult experiences.  Spontaneous, improvisational movement and expression are also wonderful tools for exploring the cannabis state. Cannabis can be a powerful upaya for both psychological healing and creativity.  It is particularly effective for removing creative blockages and rejuvenating practices that have become dulled or numb over time. 


Classic Psychedelics

Many attest to the benefits of microdosing – and consuming full doses of – this class of substances.  Medical scientists are investigating a wide range of potential applications, including depression, anxiety and PTSD, and results so far have been promising.  They are generally low in toxicity but can be challenging, particularly for folks with trauma.  Integration of yogic or other body-mind methods is crucial with classic psychedelics, to ensure the experience is positive and productive.  Restoration of Child’s Mind is the overarching feature and therefore attention to the learning process is key. 

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